Barbell Buddy


The basis of this project was to practice software quality assurance. After learning about SDL and secure coding practices, we were tasked with a final project to program software with those practices. The app my team and I created was a weight lifting helper app. The app was designed to help calculate the weights, translate the weights into plates on the bar and convert units between pounds and kilograms.


My part in creating this web-app was to work with the back-end functionality. Using a MERN stack, MongoDB was our back-end storage and I created an free acount with MongoDB to use for our app. The next step was to plan out the document structure. I had my teammate give me the details for the weight document structure and created the api to manipulate the documents in MongoDB. The api was created through using an Express server and calling the MongoDB api through GET and POST requests to the server. I also did the functionality to register users into the MongoDB collection of users.

Source code